
The restoration of wall paintings aims to preserve wall decorations for public or private buildings in the respect of the original work. A good restoration should not be seen but restore the original shine to a degraded set taking into account the initial technique used.

Whether it is labeled Historical Monuments or simply anonymous and owned by an individual, the methods of conservation and restoration and above all the ethical approach are the same: respect for the past and the use of reversible interventions.

The use of lime, natural pigments, but also new ecological, neutral and reversible techniques is favored.

I intervene in accordance with the precise intervention protocols defined by the Architects of Heritage or Historical Monuments. With a conservation part (operations to stop the causes of degradations (for example wood treatment, consolidation of supports, cleaning, refixing …) and a restoration part which is often the subject of debates and exchanges on how to treat the work; For example, it is necessary to reintegrate lacunary areas in an illusionist way while maintaining its integrity .

Natural materials and old techniques

Restoration of the statue of the Poilu of Lovagny 74
Restoration of the statue of Chamoux sur Gelon (73) with mineral painting - before
Restoration of the statue of Chamoux sur Gelon (73) with mineral painting - after
Restoration of the RAMPONNET chapel in Menthon ST Bernard - Lime plaster and lettering in mineral painting