Coatings and decorative effects
Decorative coatings give warmth to your living space, a luxurious and upscale finish, effects of materials on removable wall panels or placed directly on the wall, which personalize and embellish your interior and make it unique.
In this field, coating with lime has its place as this natural mineral coating allows aging of a whole for a visual rendering and incomparable touch, shades of tones and depths that brings the chosen use and well of different aggregates (marble powders, pigments, sika …). Moreover, it allows to better regulate the hydrometry and the temperature, because the wall can breathe.
Whatever the motive and the method (glove, sponge, brush, brush, rolled cloth, etc.), the result is all the more appreciable. In glaze, patina, sgrafitto, whitewash with lime or smoothed paint, applied to the roll, whether the support is wood, plaster, gypsum board, stone or brick, the coating therefore exists in ecological recipe.